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Haberdashers' Knights Academy

Admissions Consultation

Please find published alongside this notice, proposed new admission arrangements for the September 2025 Haberdashers’ Knights Academy intake.  We are consulting on the proposed inclusion of a new oversubscription criterion relating to the children of staff members at the school (highlighted in yellow on the draft policy) as per the draft policy which can be accessed below:

Admissions Policy for Consultation

Please provide any comments you may have via email, post or online form which you can access by clicking here: Admissions Policy Consultation

  • Named person:  Ms Rebecca Holmes
  • Email address: r.holmes@habstrustsouth.org.uk
  • Postal Address: Haberdashers' Knights Academy, Launcelot Road, Bromley, BR1 5EB

The consultation will run for a period of 6 weeks from 7th November - 19th December 2024.
