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Haberdashers' Knights Academy

Careers and Employability


At Haberdasher’s Knight’s Academy we are committed to providing high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), to ensure that our students have all the necessary information and knowledge to enable them to make well informed decisions about their future career pathways. 

Information for Careers Education

Careers Programme: Years 12 and 13

In the Sixth Form, all students, whether they are considering higher education, employment, an apprenticeship or a gap year, are offered information on options through their form tutor, the Head of Sixth Form and our independent careers adviser. We invite representatives from Higher Education, employment and training to talk to students about the options available to them and to support their university or employment applications. Students also attend a Higher Education Fair to explore university and apprenticeship opportunities.

Independent Careers Guidance

Our Independent Careers Advisor is school-based and offers advice on career choices, applying for jobs, apprenticeships, university places and next steps beyond sixth form. This is followed up by an individual Action Plan. Appointments are arranged through the school Careers Lead. Our careers adviser offers impartial advice and guidance to our students in order to help them make an informed decision about the next phase of their learning journey.

Work Experience

Work experience gives students an opportunity to see how different the world of work is from life at school and the chance to test themselves in an adult environment.

Year 12

Students have the opportunity to arrange a week’s work experience or take part in a voluntary week working with local community organisations/charities. A week is set aside during the summer term for Year 12 students to undertake work experience or volunteering. Universities and employers value the skills and insight developed during work experience; furthermore, work experience is a useful addition to the student’s UCAS Personal Statement and CV, allowing our students to develop their competitive edge further. 


Our Careers Curriculum Leader is Mr J Cole who can be contacted at j.cole@habstrustsouth.org.uk.

Our Careers Adviser is Mrs C Williams who provides independent and impartial advice to all students.  
Parents can arrange an appointment for their son/daughter through the Academy Reception or if you have access to email, she can be contacted directly on c.williams@habstrustsouth.org.uk.

Our provider access policy can be found here.