Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum aims to challenge all students and support their progress through key stages, prioritising the mastery of numeracy and literacy skills. It is knowledge-rich and relevant to both local and global contexts.
Through our cluster school relationship, we ensure an effective transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3, focusing on literacy and numeracy development. Students follow a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum, grouped by ability in core subjects (English, Mathematics, and science) and exposed to a wide range of disciplines.
At GCSE students have a broad range of academic and vocational courses that prepare them for University, apprenticeships and the world of work. KS5 offers a well-balanced curriculum that provides students the knowledge and skills to access their chosen career pathway.
Termly assessments (formative and summative) track student progress, informing curriculum adjustments to enhance teaching. Personal, Social, and Health & Careers Education (PSHCE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) education are embedded throughout all key stages.
Our curriculum aligns with the Equality Act 2010, addressing the needs of all protected characteristics and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. Staff receive training to handle inappropriate behaviour and foster an inclusive environment.
The curriculum also meets individual pupil needs, supported by skilled teachers and staff to ensure quality teaching, progress, and high achievement for all, including those with special educational needs (SEN).
For more information on our curriculum please contact our Vice Principal,
Dr A Richards, Quality of Education