COVID-19 Advice for Schools
COVID-19 Advice for Schools
As you will be aware from the news media, the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation is changing every day. We want to make sure you, our school community, is aware of the latest official advice about what this situation means for schoolchildren and their families. At the moment the risk level in this country remains low, but it is important that we are all prepared in case that situation changes and do what we can to prevent the spread of this illness. There is a lot of useful information being produced by the NHS and the government. We have prepared a fact sheet answering a few common questions you may have.
Read our Fact Sheet about COVID-19
This is a fast-evolving situation and I would strongly urge you to check for updates on the official government website every day, as it could change. This guidance can be found at:
Official government advice for the public
If you read the website in a few days’ time and the advice there has changed, and is different to what you read in our fact sheet, you should follow the advice on the government website.
We will be monitoring the government’s advice carefully every day and making sure we implement all the government’s instructions in school.
The health and safety of our children and our whole school community is our top priority. Please help us with this by reading and following the advice provided by the government. If you are self-isolating your children following recent travels, please call the school office on 020 461 9240 to inform us of your situation.