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Haberdashers' Knights Academy

Our Values and Ethos

The Haberdashers' Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust of four secondary schools and five primary schools each at the heart of its community that share a vision for the education of children and young people.

Our vision is built from our values of aspiration and achievement, personal responsibility, self-discipline and mutual respect.

We are forward looking and value innovation, but always within the context of our long tradition of providing excellent education.

Based upon these values we aim to ensure all the children and young people who come to our schools:

  • Are happy and safe at school and are able to learn successfully within a supportive environment
  • Are able to achieve their full potential personally, academically and socially
  • Develop and grow as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals
  • Are equipped with the skills, qualifications and love of learning they will need to be successful and flourish in the world as adults

We will achieve these aims by providing a safe environment where all children and young people can succeed:

  • Our leaders care about what they do and drive a culture of high expectation and ambition;
  • Our challenging and engaging curriculum builds powerful knowledge and provides each student with the opportunity to excel;
  • Great people bring teaching to life. They are passionate about what they do because they know that it matters;
  • We want our children to be individuals with character. Our Haberdashers' Advantage programme enables them to be exposed to a wide range of opportunities and experiences;
  • We know our children and young people well and we use this intelligent insight to ensure that each and every one of them is able to succeed, regardless of their starting point, back ground or need.

Dr Tesca Bennett

Executive Principal of Knights Academy