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Haberdashers' Knights Academy


Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intent for Music is to ensure that all learners embrace new challenges to become confident musicians through performing, composing, and listening activities. We aim to broaden their understanding of Music, developing our students into competent musicians, where a love for learning our subject is encouraged and celebrated.

Our pupils will be prepared to engage with a curriculum that is both challenging and relevant, allowing them to advance their musicianship in their education and life experiences. At Key Stage 4, students can choose to take GCSE or BTEC Music; both courses develop a range of skills to ensure that learners deepen their understanding. They may then further their studies in Key Stage 5 by choosing our Level 3 RSL vocational course.

Students in our department will have the opportunity to excel and become active contributors both inside and outside the classroom.

Careers and Opportunities

Below are some examples of careers that Music can help you enter: 

  • Music teacher 
  • Performer 
  • Composer 
  • Songwriter 
  • Music therapist 
  • Recording Engineer  
  • Sound Engineer 
  • Live sound technician  
  • Record Producer 
  • A&R Representative 
  • Music Journalist 
  • Music Librarian 
  • Conductor 
  • Instrument technician

Useful Links

Key Stage 4 Music Revision (OCR)

Key Stage 4 Music Revision (OCR 2)

Curriculum Details

Music Curriculum Summary

Music Learning Journey